"Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day Revelations

10:03 AM Posted by Priscilla Townsend , , , No comments
Thanks to the snow day, I got to try a new crochet pattern.
After finishing the last stitch I held it out in front of me (not entirely sure how it had all come together) and found myself smiling. Ayeeee it’s not half bad!
I knew exactly where I had messed up, but overall it looked like a boot cuff. Still surprised that it had turned out I thought to myself: 
Wow... I created this?
I just get such a kick out of making things! That’s how my brain works, y’all. There’s nothing else like it. Even making a bowl of cereal is a work of art. 

Okay... that was a tad dramatic, but you get what I mean.

In that moment of awe and wonder at my love for this little piece of crochet, a tiny thought train creeped into my mind like a still, small voice. 

You are a reflection of me. You’re made in my image. You love to create. I am the Creator. Think about how you feel about that small object in your hands. Missed stitches and all... it is still perfect. You are completely thrilled! Now imagine how I feel about making you. Every part of you has a purpose. Every part of you is beautifully and wonderfully made. The next time you start to feel inadequate, inferior, insecure… think about how I see you. How I made you. Imagine the smile on MY face! 

Wowza. All the time I spend comparing myself to other people. My looks, my abilities, my intelligence. It’s much easier to wallow in the feeling of inadequacy than to appreciate the sovereignty of the Creator’s hand and be genuinely humbled by his glory.

Psalm 139:13-15.
2 Corinthians 5:14-17.


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